June Sheet Music
This month’s composer, Stravinsky, wrote a diverse assortment of music, but did not write a lot for solo piano. There have been many transcriptions made of his larger orchestral works, which can be found online at IMSLP. Arranged for piano Firebird, Petrushka, and Ragtime: http://imslp.org/index.php?title=Category:Stravinsky%2C_Igor&intersect=For_piano_%28arr%29&transclude=Template:Catintro Arranged for piano, four hands Rite of Spring: http://imslp.org/index.php?title=Category:Stravinsky%2C_Igor&intersect=For_piano_4_hands_%28arr%29&transclude=Template:Catintro You can find piano works by Stravinsky in this compilation, which has pieces for early intermediate to advanced […]